What is as important as a good watch dog?

A good CAT scan


What are 5 tow trucks?

A foot truck.


What did the doctor's wife say when his new practice was slow?

You just need more practice in your new practice, and you need patience for more patients.


Why did the Mexican man take anti-anxiety medication?

For hispanic attacks.


What happened when a tree doctor put the bark of an oak tree on a maple tree?

It didn't work, because he was barking up the wrong tree.


What is the difference between doing many things at once and being hit by a lot of taxes?

One is multi-tasking, and the other is multi-taxing.


How was Bill's mug shot that was taken when he was arrested by mistake?

The picture didn't do him justice.


What was Bill's reaction when he found a hole in the wall of the outhouse?

"I need that like a hole in the head'.


Why was the telegraph operator very careful when sending the messages in Morse code?

He didn't want to do anything that might cause re-Morse.


Are outsiders allowed into the room called the 'well' in the Justice Department?

No, but it's just-as-well.


What is special about the sentence "See, yes we can!"

It's YES in 4 languages: Spanish, English, French, and Hebrew


Why did Janet eat from a bag of dates when she talked to Joe at work?

She wanted him to ask her for a date.